Friday, June 12, 2009

When God Doesn't Make Sense (Part 3)

Today is the conclusion to a three part post titled "When God Doesn't Make Sense," from Isaiah 55:8-13. To hear the podcast of the sermon visit

While his purposes may remain a mystery to us, God’s purposes are designed to bring growth into our lives (Isaiah 55:12). In verse 12, Isaiah points out joy, peace, and praise, as three internal qualities God’s purposes bring to the forefront of our character, even when we cannot comprehend our circumstances. A friend of mine in Texas likes to say, “You will be transformed into the image of Christ. You may embrace it, or you may go kicking and screaming, but you will be transformed into the image of Christ!”

God’s thoughts and ways are often incomprehensible. We must come to the point in life that admits we’re not in control. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions of God. But if the answers don’t lead you to God, you’re on the wrong path. God’s purposes begin to make sense when we align ourselves with him, not vice-versa. His ways bring growth in our character so that we may reflect his likeness to the world. God is more concerned about our character transformation than our personal comfort.

Finally, God’s thoughts and purposes are about his relentless pursuit of his own glory (Isaiah 55:13). God determines the value of what his purposes accomplish. The reason that God sometimes doesn’t make sense is because not everything is about us. It’s about him. Because of this truth we can be free from bargaining with God and trying to manipulate him with promises and behavior.

There are three stories that illustrate this point. The first is the man born blind in John 9:1-3. The second concerns Jesus’ delay in going to Bethany to see his sick friend Lazarus in John 11:1-7. The final vignette is the response God gave to Ananias in Acts 9:15-16 concerning Saul of Tarsus. One had suffered, one was suffering, and one would suffer in the future. In each instance the suffering was for the purpose of bringing glory to God. It wasn’t about their sins, attitudes, or behaviors. It was about the glory of God.

Each time we look at our station in life with confusion, we can be assured of two things. First, God is at work. We may not see it or comprehend it, but he is at work accomplishing his purposes and ways. Second, we can trust him. We trust God on the basis of his character, not his blessings (or perceived lack thereof). We trust God because he is trustworthy. Each thing that is introduced to us in life is an invitation to come to him.

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