Thursday, June 11, 2009

When God Doesn't Make Sense (Part 2)

Yesterday I began sharing some insights from Isaiah 55 that came from last weekend’s message. I’ll do two more today.

Observation three is that God’s purposes are not immediately known or easily perceived (Isaiah 55:10). I’ve read this verse many times, but only recently noticed that the verse contains three interdependent and interrelated cycles. The first cycle is the water cycle. “The rain and the snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth.” Condensation, precipitation, and evaporation would seem a fitting description for this phrase. The rain and snow come to earth. Some evaporates, but some “waters the earth.”

Next is the plant cycle. “They (water) cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry.” The water causes the plants to produce seed and grain. The seed is returned to the ground for the next crop, completing the cycle.

Finally we see the energy cycle. “They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry.” So the farmer harvests the grain. Some is used as seed, and some is used for baking bread to feed the hungry. Who is hungry? Certainly the farmer who plants and harvests is included in that group. The farmer uses the fruit of his labor to restore energy that has been expended in planting and harvesting.

Now I know you’re thinking that this is nothing new. Basic, elementary science that is available to any one age 10 or above. What I want to point out is that when it rains or snows there’s more to it than what is immediately perceived. The same is true of God’s purposes and ways. We can discern the initial impact of life's challenges. Rain produces standing water and snow will sometimes drift. It takes time and patience to discern the bigger purposes at work.

The next insight is found that God’s purposes are accomplished regardless of our understanding (Isaiah 55:11). As God sends forth the snow and rain, God sends forth his divine word. His divine word does not return empty. It always accomplishes his intended purposes. His purposes are not contingent upon our comprehension or understanding. So whether we get it or not, God’s divine word is going forth and his purposes are being accomplished. Period.

Tomorrow I’ll finish up the remaining two observations from Isaiah 55.

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