Acts 2:43 reports that the Holy Spirit was doing miraculous things through the apostles. This insight is helpful as the reader turns the page and begins reading the account of the healing of the lame man in Acts 3. If we didn’t have access to the previous text, we might be tempted to think that this story was a rare occurrence in those days following Pentecost. But I think Acts 3 should be read in light of verse 2:43, giving it more of the flavor of “…for example.”
Acts 3 is a very encouraging passage. It reminds us that the ascension of Jesus didn’t end or reduce the power of Jesus to work in people’s lives. The power that Jesus displayed during his ministry is made available to those possessed and filled with the Holy Spirit. Though Jesus was no longer visibly present in bodily form, he routinely made his presence known through the Spirit. Acts is exciting because it reveals how the apostles and the early adopters to Christianity were learning to walk in rhythm with the Spirit.
So if I had to come up with a main point or big idea for this text, it would be that the power of God was continuing to produce transformation in people’s lives, even though Jesus had ascended.
This past weekend in worship, I wanted to deal with three questions about the text. Question 1: What do people outside the church expect of “the church?” Question 2: How do people inside “the church” respond to those expectations? And finally question 3: What is God’s goal for the process. I’ll pick up the question about expectations in tomorrow’s post.
Acts 3 is a very encouraging passage. It reminds us that the ascension of Jesus didn’t end or reduce the power of Jesus to work in people’s lives. The power that Jesus displayed during his ministry is made available to those possessed and filled with the Holy Spirit. Though Jesus was no longer visibly present in bodily form, he routinely made his presence known through the Spirit. Acts is exciting because it reveals how the apostles and the early adopters to Christianity were learning to walk in rhythm with the Spirit.
So if I had to come up with a main point or big idea for this text, it would be that the power of God was continuing to produce transformation in people’s lives, even though Jesus had ascended.
This past weekend in worship, I wanted to deal with three questions about the text. Question 1: What do people outside the church expect of “the church?” Question 2: How do people inside “the church” respond to those expectations? And finally question 3: What is God’s goal for the process. I’ll pick up the question about expectations in tomorrow’s post.
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