Saturday, March 13, 2010

People in ministry don't often run across friends who become true brothers. When they do, they hold on for dear life! For the past 15 years, Ken Lumley has been that guy for me. Seldom a week passes without having a conversation with "Lum." We've laughed, struggled, and wept through a myriad of church challenges and personal problems. Iron has sharpened iron on multiple occassions. Ken never fails to speak truth into my life, and I am a better person because of his selfless investment of time and love.

Ken is one of the most talented communicators I know. He's a gifted pastor and a competent leader, serving at The Church at Osage Hills. This week he entered the blogosphere and I want to commend his blog to you at I know you'll enjoy his work. And I think you'll enjoy it enough to pass it along!

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