Thursday, January 28, 2010

Living with Resolve: Places and Spaces (part 3)

Reading through Genesis 12:4-9, the biographer reports on two occasions that Abram stopped and erected an altar in the midst of pagan people. If you read on you’ll observe that through his life he built many more altars that would become spiritual markers for him.

In the midst of all of the transition, change and uncertainty of his life, worship kept him grounded. Worship reminded him that he was a part of something far more significant than himself. With each act of worship Abram was renewed in his calling and the eternal purposes that God was achieving through his faithful obedience. More importantly, worship fed and strengthened his relationship with God.

Worship will serve the same purpose for you. I believe that one of the reasons we become overwhelmed is because we attribute greater value to our problems and our adversity than we ascribe to God. When God is diminished in our lives due to our lack of worship, fear and worry becomes daunting. But when we worship, God becomes bigger than life itself and everything is put into clear perspective.

One way we can address fear and worry is to erect an altar of worship right at the source of our problem. Are you worried about your job? Erect an altar of worship at work. Are you concerned about your family? Erect an altar of worship in your home. Are you worried about your financial situation? Erect and altar of worship where you pay the bills. Fear and worry cannot co-exist with true worship that invokes the presence of God.

Where do you need to erect an altar to the Lord?

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