Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kurt Warner in a "Class" by Himself

I watched the ESPN coverage of Kurt Warner's anticipated press conference yesterday in which he announced his retirement from the National Football League. Warner has always been a class act, and on the final stage of his playing career he didn't disappoint.

Warner said some very gracious things about others around his life who gave him a chance and then a second chance to play the game he loved. But it was his testimony of faith that was especially impressive. As he credited God for his success, Warner made a statement describing the Bible as a book of stories about average people through whom God did extra-ordinary things. As he continued, he cited himself as just another average guy through whom God had blessed to accomplish things that were beyond himself.

That word of testimony was powerful. Warner was spot on about how God functions in his world. He takes average Joes who surrender themselves and does marvellous things in and through their lives. There's an old adage in business that states "There's no limit to what one can do as long as they don't care who gets the credit." For the person of faith that saying would sound something like this: "There's no limit to what one can do as long as God gets the credit."

Congratulations, Kurt, on a great career! We'll miss your play, for sure. Even more, we'll miss your character and the passionate faith you brought to the stadium each week of the season. May God grant you stages in the future that will continue to allow opportunities for you to honor the One who has honored your life!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Living with Resolve: Places and Spaces (part 3)

Reading through Genesis 12:4-9, the biographer reports on two occasions that Abram stopped and erected an altar in the midst of pagan people. If you read on you’ll observe that through his life he built many more altars that would become spiritual markers for him.

In the midst of all of the transition, change and uncertainty of his life, worship kept him grounded. Worship reminded him that he was a part of something far more significant than himself. With each act of worship Abram was renewed in his calling and the eternal purposes that God was achieving through his faithful obedience. More importantly, worship fed and strengthened his relationship with God.

Worship will serve the same purpose for you. I believe that one of the reasons we become overwhelmed is because we attribute greater value to our problems and our adversity than we ascribe to God. When God is diminished in our lives due to our lack of worship, fear and worry becomes daunting. But when we worship, God becomes bigger than life itself and everything is put into clear perspective.

One way we can address fear and worry is to erect an altar of worship right at the source of our problem. Are you worried about your job? Erect an altar of worship at work. Are you concerned about your family? Erect an altar of worship in your home. Are you worried about your financial situation? Erect and altar of worship where you pay the bills. Fear and worry cannot co-exist with true worship that invokes the presence of God.

Where do you need to erect an altar to the Lord?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Living with Resolve: Places and Spaces (part 2)

The story of Abram begins abruptly in Genesis 12:1-3. Following the death of his father, Abram received a special call from God to leave the security of his comfort zone and begin living the adventure of faith. God’s first word to Abram was “leave.” The reader might expect the first word to be “go,” but it wasn’t. Here’s the simple truth: you can’t go until you leave. I know this sounds trite, but it’s true. Years ago I remember hearing John Maxwell say “break-throughs are always break-withs.” You have to leave before you can go.

Sometimes I am asked to provide some pastoral advice on how to determine God’s will when facing a transition. When people ask me about making transitions, I share the same three questions that I have always applied to my own life when confronted with this kind of decision.

1. Am I finished? Has God released me from my place? Have I completed what I set out to complete?
2. Am I called? In other words, am I going “to” instead of “from?”
3. Are those closest to me on board, particularly my immediate family? Your decision to “leave” and “go” will impact others.

If you’re facing some tough choices, try giving these three questions a try. See if they will help provide clarity in the midst of confusion and doubt.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Living with Resolve: Places and Spaces (part 1)

Do you ever reflect on how you came to live in Central Iowa? Some of us may be natives who have never really gone far from home. Others are native, who, after a time of checking our greener grass in other places have returned. Others among us are transplants, traversing from faraway places while navigating a myriad of twists and turns before eventually landing here. Some of us will die here and here we will be buried. Others will have one or more transitions in us before we come to our final resting place.

How you got here is always an interesting story. More compelling, however, are questions like “Why are you here?” and “What are you doing during your time here?” God has created and gifted you to be who you are and what you are. But don’t forget to consider that God is also interested in where you are. That matters too.

Woven into the story of Abram is an extensive travel log. His purpose? To found a new nation that would be a blessing to the world. His story doesn’t begin in Canaan. It begins in a place called Ur. Reading Genesis 11:27-32 provides us with the back story of Abram. It proves to be informative.

For example, we learn that Canaan to some degree had always been on the map for at least two generations. Abram’s forefathers had been working their way to Canaan for some time. So God had prepared Abram for his special call with an inclination of heart.

We also learn that there had been a delay. We don’t know why the family stopped, but they did. One rule of group travel is that when you travel with a group, you always travel at the speed of the slowest member. We don't know why they stopped, but they "settled."

Finally, we learn that through a life changing event, the death of his father Terah, God’s call came to him. It’s interesting how significant events -- death of a family member, loss of employment, dissolution of a relationship, an unexpected illness -- turn our attention to God and make us seek Him.

Though we live life in real time, I believe life is best understood through history. Abram is known for leaving his home land and moving to a new place. But the back story helps us see how God has prepared him for a new venture. I think it works that way for us too. No one wants to live in the past. Sometimes we can get stuck if we dwell on the past. But nothing is more helpful to understanding your present than a clear understanding of the past. If you want to understand today, you need to begin by understanding yesterday.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Living with Resolve

Since I’ve been married I’ve moved seven times. Seven times in nearly 25 years. Some of those moves were simply across town. Three of them crossed state lines. The moves across town were aggravating because we didn’t take the time to pack as carefully as we did when we made a major transition, so some stuff was broken. The long moves were aggravating because they involved substantial planning and expense, so I felt broken. But each move had one thing in common…we knew our destination. We had the house picked, complete with address and everything. Abram? Not so much. When God invited Abram to become involved in his plan and purpose the destination was not disclosed. Abram was simply to pack the truck and head south until God told him to stop.

How do you respond to those invitations to participate in the work of God? Like Abram, we respond to the invitation of God through faith. As Christians we talk a lot of faith, but sometimes our conversations are somewhat uninformed. What do we need to know about faith?

First, faith is my response to the revelation of God. God discloses himself to us, and that disclosure is the invitation to respond to God. No where does the Bible suggest that believers are to sit and trump up stuff to do for God. More often than not, that kind of thinking only leads to trouble. God discloses himself and his plan and I respond to him.

Second, faith reveals what you really believe about God. Faith is relationship based, not task based. It is not about assessing the actions of God but about assessing the character of God. What I do when God reveals himself to me and invites me to join him speaks volumes about what I really believe about God.

Third, growing faith is a cycle of revelation and response. Like getting to know someone, God discloses himself in stages. We know God to the degree that he makes himself known to us. Each time we respond to what he reveals, he discloses himself a little more fully. He reveals and we respond. He reveals himself again and we respond again. You get the point.

Responding to God in faith, then, becomes a life changing experience. It creates urgency, passion, and meaning. Following God is no longer a big deal, it is the deal! When you pursue God and participate in what he’s doing, you experience a paradigm shift from seeking success to seeking significance. Remember, Abram was already wealthy. He had more money than he could ever hope to spend. But he wasn’t blessed by God. Abram didn’t know everything, but he knew enough to realize that success wasn’t enough. He realized he’d been created for significance, and that significance would only be found in walking by faith and participating in God’s eternal purposes. He could not go with God and remain as he was. Neither can we.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Disney Dynamics 5

We spent our first day at Disney in its most storied and celebrated park: The Magic Kingdom. There we were able to see Disney at its best. We rode the classic rides, the most famous of which toured us through the seven continents where we heard dolls sing "It's a Small World After All" in several languages. This was just a taste of what we would learn to be one of Disney's most significant values...Think Globally!

Disney has made the world its platform, opening parks in places like Europe and Asia. But Disney has not just taken their brand to the world, the world has come "home" to Disney here in the USA. I didn't keep official statistics, but I felt continually surrounded by tourists from foreign countries. I stood in a concession line with newlyweds from Wales. We rode a ride with a family from France. I had my picture taken with a family from Brazil celebrating a wedding anniversary. (That's another story!) Between the attractions and the guests, I was reminded that I live in a small world that has shrunk even beyond the imagination of Walt himself.

If you haven't noticed, our nation is changing. Rainer Research is predicting that our nation will turn caucasian minority by 2042. The preschool population of America will turn caucasian minority by 2021. Those events will presumably happen in our lifetime.

Jesus' first post-resurrection challenge to his disciples was to take the news of his resurrection and think globally. Believers have maintained that challenge through our commitment to missions for nearly two thousand years. What makes today interesting is that we no longer have to think globally in strictly geographical terms. Technology and travel have shrunk the world and brought the world to our doorstep. Walt may not have forseen this, but Jesus did. Now, more than ever, we have to think globally. The world is coming "home."

Friday, January 15, 2010

Living With Resolve: Participating in God's Mission

Many of us began 2010 by making New Year’s Resolutions. This common practice is usually accompanied by the common practice of breaking the New Year’s Resolutions. Why do we have a hard time keeping those pesky promises we make to ourselves and to others?
The basic definition of a resolution is “a formal expression of a good intention.” And well intentioned we are.

This year I’ve decided to move past resolutions and begin living with resolve. The word resolve is defined as “a definite and earnest commitment.” Maybe the difference between resolution and resolve is semantics, but the more I think about it, the more I believe I’m on to something. So rather than live in accordance to “good intentions,” I’m choosing to make some definite and earnest commitments.

The Old Testament character Abram (a.k.a. Abraham) is an example of a person who lived his life with resolve. His life is the basis of our inaugural 2010 sermon series. Last weekend, from Genesis 12:1-4, I posed three questions to help you move from resolution to resolve.

Question one: Are you aware that God has a plan and a purpose presently at work in the world?
God’s plan and purpose has been settled from eternity past to eternity future. His plan is revealed to us in time and space, but it’s not for time and space alone. It remains eternal in its scope and dimension.
Having said that, I think it’s fundamental that you realize that God is at work in the world around you whether you recognize it or not. For example, the air around is full of radio waves and all kinds of signals. You’re consciously not aware of these signals unless your cell phone rings or you tune in to a radio station or you open your laptop to search for a wi-fi network. The activity of God is like that. It’s around us everywhere all the time.

Question two: Are you willing to be included in the activity of God that surrounds you? God’s purpose and plan includes you. In the Genesis account, Abram was not seeking God but God was seeking Abram.
Abram had no idea that his part in God’s plan would affect generations to come. Little did he
know that the choices he would make would impact the world geographically and politically for generations to come, even to this present moment. What that means is that your life is a bigger deal than you may have originally imagined! God knows you and has chosen you to participate in his purpose for the world.

The final question is this: Are you ready to participate in God’s plan and purpose? Are you ready to accept his invitation?
One thing I learned from Henry Blackaby is that God’s call to participate in his purpose is simultaneous with his timing. When God speaks, it is a present tense moment and requires an immediate response.
Are you willing and ready? It takes both to be fully obedient to God.

As you think about 2010, think about what is stirring in your heart. That may very well be a part of God’s invitation to you to join him in his awesome work. What are you going to do about it?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Disney Dynamics 4

What do you think of when you hear the word “classic?” As a guy in his mid forties I tend to think of classic automobiles, such as the ’57 Chevy or the ’65 Ford Mustang. One of the more intriguing things about Disney World was its ability to retain all that is classic without becoming a historical land mark.

As a Baptist, I think there is great value in our tradition. The early church, after all, was rooted in the tradition of Old Testament Judaism. Those first and second generation believers retained important traditions that contributed to how they would worship, fellowship, and even govern themselves. At the same time they abandoned the practices that were no longer appropriate or feasible.

I think churches and individual Christians periodically need to evaluate matters of faith and practice with this illuminating question: Are we cherishing time honored traditions? Or are we merely perpetuating history?

Believe it or not, I am not against tradition. We all have them. As I reflect on how my family recently celebrated the Christmas holiday reveals that tradition is both helpful and healthy. However, we can quickly lose sight of the value of tradition when our lives, our families, and even our faith is reduced to perpetuating history. If all we do is perpetuate history, nothing meaningful is accomplished and we eventually end up alone wondering why the world has passed us by.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Living with Resolve

Here's the artwork for my new weekend series on the life of Abraham!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Simon Sinek on Communication

Great clip shared with me by Brent Clark.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Disney Dynamics 3

Our first day we drove from our resort to Disney. It was a simple drive of about 5 miles. All I had to do was follow the clear directional signs. As we entered Disney from the south we passed underneath an archway bearing the phrase "Welcome to the Happiest Place on Earth."

I don't know if Disney is the happiest place on earth, but I've got to give them credit for being true to their mission. Every "cast member" was patient, friendly, and accomodating. It felt genuine and authentic, too. Problems were dealt with quickly and without incident. Come to think of it, I didn't see anyone who was unhappy. Sure, there was the occassional crying toddler, but those instances were too infrequent to even notice. Disney clearly made every possible effort to follow through on their promise to provide a place of smiles and laughter.

Sometimes businesses (and churches for that matter) promise more than they can deliver. As for our congregation, my prayer is that we consistently deliver on what we espouse to be true of ourselves.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Disney Dynamics 2

I think one of the base concerns for those who travel is the expense involved. Going places will cost money, and going to nice places will cost a lot of money. That being said, I was impressed that Disney didn't gouge their visitors for every last nickel in their pockets.

Case in point, Disney permits you to bring your own food and beverage into the park. Because we have lived in St. Louis and have family that still live near St. Louis, our family has frequented Six Flags on several occassions. When we visit Six Flags we pack lunch in a cooler, exit the park and "tailgate" on the blistering asphalt. At Disney, however, we didn't have to worry about smuggling sandwiches and bottled water in to the park. Like most public venues, Disney searches backpacks and drawstring bags. Got a sandwich? Not a problem! Got a bottle of water? No big deal! Packing a light lunch each day was permitted, and for a family of four, this amounted to savings in the neighborhood of $200.

Example two is photography. We happened upon a pavillion where Tigger, Pooh Bear, and Eeyore were available for photo ops with guests. Disney provided a photograher who would take a picture that was available for purchase. But we were also encouraged to use our own cameras as well. No purchase required and the Disney photographer even used our cameras to take pictures for us.

The final example is the Disney policy on the fast pass. At Disney there is no charge for fast passes on attractions (compared to the $70 per person fee at Universal Studios). The only rule is that you can only have one at a time.

These three simple gestures are examples of how to add value to an experience without conveying the feeling that the bottom line is the bottom line. Is Disney a for profit corporation? Absolutely. Do they convey that to their guests? Absolutely not.

I think churches and not for profit organizations can learn much from Disney. Disney doesn't sell a product, it sells an experience. When we focus on the right things and significant things the money will take care of itself. How you deal with money reveals your true mission and purpose.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Disney Dynamics

Last week my daughter’s high school band performed at Disney World in Orlando. It seemed like a wonderful reason to load up and make the trek. When you take a family trip during peak season you can count on several things such as heavy traffic and elevated prices. What I didn’t count on was some lessons that I learned from my four days in the House of Mouse.

We were very fortunate to be accompanied by a relative who is a Disney Vacation Club member. It was like having a private guide to direct us through our experience. As we walked through the various parks I was amazed at what he was able to teach me about “The Happiest Place on Earth.”

For example, I was immediately impressed by the park’s immaculate condition. According to Wiki Answers, Disney world received 42.8 million visits in 2005. Yet there were no signs of trash, grime, or filth. Not a speck of dust. No graffiti in the rest rooms. No paper cups aimlessly wandering across the walkway. No chipped paint, scuffs, or burned out light bulbs. The park looked brand new.

I learned that every night a massive staff comes in to clean. They power wash the entire park 365 nights a year. From the parking lot to iconic castle, it was obvious that Disney employees take tremendous pride in taking care of every square inch of their property.

You’ve probably heard that consultants are valuable in part because they are able to provide you or your organization with a fresh set of eyes. They are able to see the proverbial cob webs that we tend to overlook and the scratches and dents we somehow have grown accustomed to living with. What do you do when you have 42 million fresh sets of eyes come through your place each year? Better yet, what will you do when you have a couple of families visit your church with their fresh sets of eyes this weekend?