Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Regifting Christmas

Are you a “regifter?” According to Wikipedia, regifting is when “goods that have been received as a gift are offered to others, unbeknown to them that it was originally a gift to the person offering it.” The Seinfeld episode made the term popular, but I think we all know that regifting is a practice that dates back to the beginning of human history!

Why do people regift? I think it boils down to two reasons. First, you get a gift that you don’t like, or, you get a gift that you don’t need. If either one or both of those scenarios is in play, you have a candidate for recycling. We usually keep the best gifts for ourselves. But what if the best gift of all is meant to be passed on?

John 3:16 is the essence of the gospel of God. You may not think of John 3:16 as a verse that is fitting for Advent, but if you think about it, you’ll see that the verse describes the best gift ever! God has given his Son to us and for us. God’s intention is that we pass the gift along.

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