Monday, November 2, 2009

Suffering and Hope: 1 Peter Five

Throughout chapter 1, Peter continually references joy. It reminds me of James' words found in James 1:2, "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy." Why does Peter place an emphasis on having joy in the midst of suffering?

Joy is the by-product of settled faith. When a person becomes convinced that victory has become certain, joy begins to emerge.

Football fans know that when a team has the lead in the last minute of the game, the quarterback will take the snap from the center and drop to one knee. Those who watch football know exactly what I'm talking about. Today its called the "victory formation" or the "victory play." Because the game is secure, players on the sideline start congratulating one another. Coaches take off their headsets. The fans stand and cheer. Why? Joy overflows when victory is secure and the outcome is assured.

Joy doesn't come in moments of uncertainty. Even in the midst of suffering we can experience true joy because of our confident faith in God.

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