Monday, August 31, 2009

Investing in the Kingdom

This past weekend I concluded our summer series on the Kingdom of God. The lesson was based on the parable found in Luke 19:11ff concerning the ten minas. I concluded with describing three attitudes that people have concerning God and their resources.

The first attitude is that of the consumer. The consumer says "what's God's is mine and I'm going to take it." The consumer does not believe that he or she is accountable to God for either their life or their resources.

The next attitude is that of the saver. The saver says "what's mine is mine and I'm going to keep it." In other words, everyone needs to just take care of themselves. Savers do not see their lives in light of the bigger picture of the Kingdom.

The final attitude is that of the giver. The giver says "what's mine is God's and he can have it." The giver understands that their role in life is that of a steward. God is the owner of everything and the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). The fundamental issue of stewardship is ownership, and the fundamental issue of ownership is Lordship.

The two compelling questions from the parable are (1) What has God given to you? and (2) What are you doing with what God has given to you? The blessings, skills, talents, and resources God bestows are ways in which God informs our role in the Kingdom of God. As my friend always says, keep inventory of your blessings from God so you know what God expects of you. My prayer is that you will live life as more than a giver...that you will live your life as one who invests all in the present Kingdom of God.

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